"Ladies, stay smiling! The smile is every woman's sexiest curve :)"

When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show that you have a million reasons to smile."

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

I just wondering

I’m wondering whether he ever really love me or not when he was standing by my side..
I’m wondering whether he ever really miss me or not when he was standing by my side..
I’m wondering whether he ever really need me or not when he was standing by my side..
I’m wondering whether he ever proud to have me beside him..

I’m wondering whether he feel guilty or not after did such a terrible thing to me..
I’m wondering whether he feel really sorry or not to what he has done..
I’m wondering whether he ever miss me or not after he left me..
I’m wondering whether he ever think of me or not after he left me..
I’m wondering whether he still care about me or not after he left me..
I’m wondering whether he still curious of my condition or not after he left me..
I’m wondering whether he still has the same dream just like before he left me..
I’m wondering what he was thinking when he decided to left me for another woman..

I’m wondering who is the man I’ve used to date with, and who is the man who now I feel strange with..
I’m wondering which one is the real you..

I always wonder..
And now all of my question will left without answer,,
I just wondering...

Picture From: amomentrepreneur.com


2 komentar:

  1. klo yg brsgkutan kesangkut eh..mksudx mmbaca(kok jauuh-o-")psti mak jleb..jleb..jleb..myl,yakin syakin-yakinx dah..\(-___-")/ayeee...

    1. hahaha.. masa' unn??
      tp yg bersangkutan kya'e c ndak mungkin baca.. hehehe...
      mgkax itu smw adlh prtax'an yg cm akn tertinggal tnpa jwban.. asyeeek :p
