Hi dearest everyone ^^
I'm soooooo excited right now. When I'm typing this I mean. kkk~
Oh it's been a while since I posted something here. The last one was on May 2nd, when Tao was celebrating his birthday.
So readers. Many things have changed since then. Yeah, now I'm not only an EXO-L, but also an A.R.M.Y.
Oh really I cannot resist these seven idiots charms. >_<
I mean, really, the seven of them. THE SEVEN OF THEM!
I'm just soooo madly in love with these kids that I feel like cannot be biased anymore.
Lol~ no. I still have bias of course.
My Bias(es) are Jimin and Suga.
and my favorites are Jimin, Suga, Jungkook, V, Jin, J-hope, and Rapmon. (I told you. I love the seven of them.)
The story of me being an A.R.M.Y is simple.
I don't really remember when it happened. Maybe it was about April or May this year. My friend downloaded BTS mvs because we wanna know them (at that time, I really have no idea who BTS was).
I watched 'Boy in Luv' first because it seemed became trending.
After watched it. "Damn! This is freaking great!" yeah, that's what I thought.
then I also watched the live performances of 'Boy in Luv' because I was in love with that song and wasn't bothering myself to check the other songs and mvs.
At first sight, I fell into Jungkook's cuteness and handsomeness and adorableness. Who wouldn't? I mean, it's freaking Jeon Jungkook.
Yeah, I fell for him when I watched 'Boy in Luv' mv for the first time.
Then, I just cannot remember how it happened.
I. Suddenly. Cannot. Move. My damn sight. From. A certain Park Jimin.
Yeah, I don't know. I really don't know. I really love to see him. His stare. His move. Damn!
Then I happened to search about them. I found out about their names, then I looked for and downloaded some picts.
Me: I saved some picts of them.
My friend: Oh really? I wanna see.
Me: /showing the picts/
My friend: /Looking a the picts/ Are you sure you bias is Jungkook?
Me: Eng- yeah. Why?
My friend: Because these are more Jimin's picts here. Even almost all of them are Jimin's picts.
Me: Oh really? /grinned super widely/
Lol~ yeah. Then I decided to claim Jimin and Jungkook as my bias back then.
After that, I watched their other mvs and live performances and getting more in love with them because I also love their other songs and dances and mvs.
Then I feel like searching about their pairings. Yeah, I'm a shipper type fan girl.
I searched about who is being paired with Jimin. I only found YoonMin back then.
and WTF. They looked cute for me.
I looked for some couple facts and getting more in love with YoonMin that make me getting more in love with Sugaaaaaaaa. >///<
Then I continued into variety and watched 'Rookie King', and my mind was full of YoonMin. Soooo many moments of them back then I wanna cry~ and they were the king of being unlucky, and it was soooo cute T_T
oh 'Rookie King' is daebak. It made me more and more in love with my dearest Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
I personally think that having a certain OTP could make us loving a group moreeee.
I love Bangtan more because I have YoonMin. >///< and I always expect for their moments.
Now, I'm here. Love Bangtan Boys so much! Have listened to all their songs (and enjoy to almost all of them). Have watched all their mvs, their dance practices, and many of their live performances. Have watched almost all of the Bangtan Bombs and BTS episodes. Have watched their video logs. Have wrote a YoonMin fic (but still on going. kkk~).
and Now I'm currently waiting for the Eng Sub for BTS AHL ep 5. I wanna try to review it (BTS AHL) if I have a time.
and also currently lost my mind because they are coming back with 'Danger'.
and now I also know that Jimin get paired with all of other members and all of them are cuteeeee (I don't against other pairings. For the God sake, how can I against the cuties; VMin, JiKook, HopeMin, etc. But really, my ultimate OTP for Jimin is only YoonMin).
Okay, I'll stop here for this. See youuuu~ and Thank you for reading this till the end :)
dul set BANG-TAN! Kamsahamnidaaa ^^

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