"Ladies, stay smiling! The smile is every woman's sexiest curve :)"

When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show that you have a million reasons to smile."

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

An Answer For ZHANG YIXING's Message on 131007

Hi guys ^_^
okay, first you have to read the article below in order to understand what will I say in this post..


Have you read it??
Well... yes or no, I will still talk about it :)

The article told about Lay Oppa's Message from EXO-M's Official Website that is already translated by CODE:EXO 
He wrote it as his B'day message 7th of October 2013.

God! That is the sweetest thing that a person could think of.. Really!
I got that article from my friend (Ida Chingu) while saying that she was crying to read that..
My other friend (Laras Unnie) and I who was tagged to read that article also very very very touched and could not hold the falling tears to read that sweet message by Lay Oppa..

I really want to answer that message, so I decided to write my answer through this blog..

For Our Healing Unicorn : ZHANG YIXING

It is so great to hear that you could reach your dream, it is so great to hear that you are so happy about it :)
I know that you would never let your fans disappoint about you, I know that you would always doing the best for make us (your fans) happy :)
Really, Oppa.. we will still support you whatever will be.. We never insist you to reach perfection.. You are perfect as you are.. You are beautiful as you are.. We love you just the way you are..
The sincerity of your heart.. That was one thing that make me falling for you ^_^ really really fall..

And you really right about the fans that need to cut back on their living expenses in order to buy an album or a gift or everything related to EXO things :p
Because my friends and I also do the same thing, Oppa.. We plan to watch your concert if you come to our country (Indonesia) someday (and we hear that you will be here soon.. is it right, Oppa?).. Since we are college students, we try very hard to save our pocket money.. We really want to see EXO's live performance soooo bad! >_< and we really don't mind to do that..
It is okay for us, Oppa.. It really is.. Don't feel sad about it.. We really please to do that, to show our love and our support for you and for all EXO members ^_^
but don't worry,, we will still think of what we need first and make it as our priority, as you say :)
ah, and one more thing, Oppa.. I love your dimple ^_^

Thank you for loving us, Oppa..
I am very looking forward for the healing song! :)
Lay Oppa Neomu Saranghaeyo ^_^


I wish all the best for you and for all of EXO members.. I hope that the friendship and the love among all EXO members will last forever..

Our beloved healing unicorn, keep healing us through your music, your dance, your voice, your love, your sincerity, and your kindness..

Maybe this message will never reach you, maybe this message will just become a voice that couldn't be heard.. at least I say it, it is enough to make me relief..
To just say it with all my heart..it is really enough..
But, I believe in God listening to my prayer for you..
I am, a fans from faraway.. Mila.. ^_^

Other Lay Oppa's Pictures:


Senin, 03 Juni 2013

EXO, I'm A New Lover!

EXO - Wolf
Readers.. ^^
Tiba-tiba hari ini kepikiran buat ngisi blog lagi. Sebenernya sih lagi nggak bener-bener ada yang musti di bahas, hmmm tapi beberapa hari ini otakku lagi penuh banget.. Dan rasanya pengen sedikit curhat buat mengurangi keindahan-keindahan yang sedang bernaung di otakku dengan bahagianya *apaan sih -__-
Bukan kepikiran tugas-tugas akhir semester yang musti di kumpulin minggu depan. Bukan juga kepikiran UAS yang bakal berlangsung mulai minggu depan.
Otakku sedang di penuhi gerak-gerik dance dan suara-suara merdu mereka. Mataku sedang di selimuti virus-virus ketampanan mereka. Yup! Aku sedang terserang virus yang dapat dipastikan dalam waktu dekat tidak akan mematikan. Tapi parahnya, virus ini juga menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh saya. Gimana nggak, tiap lihat mereka tampil live atau tampil di beberapa tv-show, bawa'annya lemes aja ini badan. -__-' hihi..

*tampan, tampan, tampan.
Oke, ini gila. Otakku sedang di penuhi EXO! >_<
Tau EXO kan??
EXO itu nama dari salah satu Boyband korea yang dinaungi oleh SM-Town Entertainment. Jadi intinya mereka ini sekeluarga sama Kangta, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, dan F(x).
Hmm kalau di lihat dari MV pertama EXO yang aku download tanggal 19 Mei 2013, terhitung sejak tanggal tersebut berarti sudah 15 hari aku mendedikasikan diri sebagai fans mereka. *nangis terharu T_T

Memang belum lama sih, baru 2 minggu lebih satu hari. Eits.. tapi jangan salah, baru 2 minggu aja aku udah berhasil punya... ehmm bentar aku hitung dulu *ambil kalkulator
1297 foto, 26 mp3, dan 57 video yang berhubungan sama EXO.. wooow!
Udah lumayan banyak banget kan bagi yang baru ngefans selama 2minggu?! Banget!

Naah, EXO ini di bagi menjadi 2 sub-unit yaitu EXO-K dan EXO-M. Masing-masing dari sub-unitnya terdiri dari enam pria-pria tampan! >_<  *Jadi kalau di jumlah pria-pria tampannya ada sebanyak 12 biji (ayo dipilih, dipilih.. #alaPedagangAsongan)

EXO-K fokusnya di korea dengan lagu-lagunya berbahasa korea.
EXO-M fokus di china dengan lagu-lagunya berbahasa china.
*Jadi tiap lagu masing-masing ada 2 versi, yaitu korea dan china.

The E-X-O

Berikut ini adalah foto pria-pria tampan yang berhasil merebut hati saya tersebut:


1. Suho with his wise smile and calm handsome face :* Awesome Leader..


Suho - new photo teaser
Suho at KBS cool FM

2. Baekhyun with his super super cute face, like a little baby :* He has very beautiful strong voice.

Baekhyun at SM Town world tour

Baekhyun new photo teaser
Baekhyun at KBS cool FM

3. Chanyeol with his cute and beautiful face. He is tall. His big voice is just great for this rapper :*

Chanyeol at Happy Camp
Chanyeol new photo teaser

Chanyeol at KBS cool FM
4. D.O. with his handsome face :* and He also has a beautiful voice.

D.O new photo teaser
D.O at KBS cool FM
5. Kai is a sexy Dancing Machine~ He is sooo handsome :* :* :* and cool.

Kai new photo teaser
Kai at KBS cool FM
6. Sehun is a cute maknae that full of aegyo :* He is also good at dancing.

Sehun new photo teaser
Sehun at KBS cool FM


1. Kris is a very cool and very very handsome duizhang~ He is the tallest in EXO. Yes, he is handsome :* 

Kris at KBS cool FM
Kris new photo teaser

2. Xiumin with his cute and handsome face :* He is good at dancing.

Xiumin at Happy Camp

Xiumin new photo teaser
Xiumin at KBS cool FM
3. Luhan is a handsome and lovely deer :* He has a beautiful face, he has a great moves and he also has  a beutiful voice. Jjang :* :*

Luhan at SM Town world tour

Luhan new photo teaser
Luhan at KBS cool FM

4. Lay with his dimple and handsome face :* He is good at dancing.

Lay at Happy Camp
Lay new photo teaser
Lay at KBS cool FM

4. Chen with his handsome smile and his strong beautiful voice. :*

Chen at KBS cool FM

Chen new photo teaser

6. Tao is a romantic baby panda :* He is handsome, and he is just lovely. He has lot of aegyo. bbuing-bbuing. :* :*

Tao at Extraordinary Class
Tao new photo teaser
Tao at KBS cool FM

Naah itu tadi foto-foto mereka dari yang lama sampai yang terbaru. Dari yang dandanannya masih lugu-lugu dan unyu-unyu sampek yang mulai berani ganti gaya rambut yang... ehmmm makin ekstrim.
Yaa gimanapun gaya rambut mereka, tetep aja keren sih ^_^
Yupz. mereka tampil beda banget di MV mereka yang terbaru, yaitu Wolf. Kalau lihat MV-nya yang sebelum-sebelumnya (Mama, History, What is Love), bakal kelihatan banget perbedaan penampilan mereka.
Tampil beda tapi tetep keren dan tampan.
*Tao: Ah, saranghaeyo~ #pingsan
*Kai: a geureonde baltobe himi ppajyeo immat kkaji uh~~  #pingsankuadrat  (Wolf korean ver. - 00.36)

Gimana ceritanya aku jadi suka EXO? *eh penting ya?hehehe..
ceritanya pendek sih, awalnya dari mbak kos yang bawa-bawa video showcasenya EXO ke kamar. Terus kita tonton bareng-bareng  (di kos ada empat orang yang jadi gila EXO), terus kita milih-milih yang kita suka.. *pake rebutan dulu nih milihnya, sampai hampir bunuh-bunuhan

Dan akhirnya pada pandangan pertama yang singkat, tertujulah hatiku pada 3 sosok yang menurutku kuereeeen dan tampaan. Mereka adalaah... Jeng, jeng, jeng.. Luhan, Kai, dan Tao. ^_^
Yupz! The three men, I don't know, I just like to see their beauty.. And the three has their own charm which I cannot ignore.
Naah yang lainnya gimana? hihihi.. sebenernya kalo ibarat 3 pria tampan tadi kedudukannya paling tinggi di hatiku, yang lainnya menyusul berbarengan dengan kedudukan sama nggak jauh dari mereka bertiga.
Intinya kalo ngelihat yang lain di MV sama TV Show, I cannot ignore the charm of the others. They just great, they are awesome! and I love them all!

Ini cerita ku tentang EXO.. apa ceritamu?? ^_^ choose your bias..


Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Dieynoel Omma's B-day Surprise

This is some pictures which are related to the Dieynoel's Omma surprise b-day at the canteen of FBS Unesa..
Since she is a big big fans of NOAH band, we make a cake with NOAH's symbol (feather), and the colour was designed like the book that NOAH write. :)

She was so surprised at that time,, and so excited with the special cake that we have made for her..

The Cake
Dieynoel Omma and The Cake

 Even that was late because the date when Omma got her bday was holiday, the Surprise for Omma's bday was really fun! ^^


Dieynoel Omma and Ita

I also make a B-day card for Omma.. I made it before January 14 2013, and want to send it to Omma's house.. But I canceled it, and give the card at the time we give the surprise for Omma..

My B-day card for Omma

